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ADHD - Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity

ADHD/ADD, being Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity is a term that many of us have become familiar with. It is a neurobehavioural condition which affects a child’s behaviour and ability to learn. Children with these conditions are not easy to parent but with early diagnosis and intervention these children and their families can be aided and assisted in such a way that the child achieves his or her optimal potential with less disruption to the family as a whole.

A child with one of these conditions finds it difficult to plan ahead, complete tasks, is often very impulsive and very distracted. Teachers and parents find it difficult to get these children to co-operate, not because they are being naughty but simply because they lack the skills.

Due to this lack of skills a child with ADHD or ADD may have significant gaps in his or her learning. Dr Maraschin’s approach to a child who displays such characteristics is multi-faceted. It is really important to get input from the parent, teacher and the child. Once a diagnosis is made it is critical that a multi-disciplinary approach is taken. Very often there is a need for a remedial specialist, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, psychologist, and dietician or parenting specialist. Not all children require the various disciplines so these interventions would be tailor-made to the child’s requirements.

Dr Maraschin offers screening for ADHD or ADD. Once a diagnosis has been made he would direct the parents to the other disciplines if it is necessary.

ADHD Resources

adhd screening

ADHD Screening

ADHD Screening ADHD affects 5-8% of children. It has the potential to cause poor school performance, behavioural problems and result in a poor self-image. It

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ADHD in a nutshell

  Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity refers to a disorder where the individual is unable to regulate his or her own behaviour. There are a

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Spinner craze

As a paediatrician, I am often asked about toys that appear on the market intended to aid children with development and learning. Things change so

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