Allergy Screening
Allergies affect a growing number of children. Although Allergies cannot be cured, the child suffering from allergies can get the help that they need. Allergies have a significant impact on a child’s quality of life. They often feel unwell. It may affect the child’s sleep, diet and school attendance.
Allergy sufferers may have one or more of these symptoms:
- Sneezing, runny nose or congestion
- Coughing
- Difficulty with breathing
- Itchy eyes
- Skin rashes
- Tummy upset
These symptoms may be triggered by:
- Indoor allergens eg: mould, housedust mite
- Outdoor allergens eg: grass, pollen
- Animals eg: cats, dogs, birds
- Insect stings eg bees
- Food stuffs eg: peanuts, egg-white, fish, milk
Tests and treatment:
Tests are available to establish what a child is allergic to. Treatment is aimed at controlling the symptoms and allowing the child to experience better overall health.
Allergy Blogs
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My Baby has a Bulging Belly Button
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Measles Booster Vaccine Campaign 2023
Should my child receive the measles booster? The simple answer is YES! Over the last three weeks, my practice has been inundated with calls from
Considering the COVID-19 vaccine
President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on Monday 11 January that South Africa would be getting its first batch of COVID-19 vaccines by the end of January
Coronavirus and children: Our paediatrician answers your questions
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Coronavirus (COVID-19): Burning questions discussed
At the moment Coronavirus pops up in most conversations at social events or during a consultation with patients. We are all naturally very concerned about